A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) should help reduce your workload and assist you in managing your responsibilities.

Planned Maintenance, Inventory, Service Manuals and Critical System Reports are all related to a single module called the Equipment List. The Equipment List is what the maintenance system is focused on and built around.

Equipment List

When building a PMS, the Equipment List should be populated with the same pieces of equipment grouped together under a common Equipment Group Name. This grouping allows service manuals and inventory to be added to multiple pieces of the same equipment. Assigning Equipment Groups as General, Class or Critical will automatically assign the associated inventory and maintenance as the same.

Planned Maintenance

Planned Maintenance needs to be divided into two separate sections based on Running Hour and Time Period. Many manufacturers’ service periods are by Running Hours and by Time Period, so the software needs to be able to add the equipment to either or both sections with the tick of a checkbox.

Adding a Planned Maintenance schedule to a piece of equipment should be quick, easy, and straightforward to enter. Individual tasks relating to that service period should be detailed, and the Start Date or Starting Hours should be simple to enter. A notification period that triggers an email when the service is coming due is also a nice feature.

When the service is being physically completed, the software should allow crew to add condition photos and descriptions of completed work. Marking individual tasks as complete or not is also important. All completed service records should be automatically saved in the service history section. Crew should also be able to easily select the spare parts used and remove those quantities from the inventory with just a few clicks.

Installation manuals and photos are different from service manuals, and the software needs to be able to manage these differently. The software should allow crew to assign a manufacturer’s service manual to multiple pieces of the same equipment. This will allow easy access to the manual when a crew member needs it.


The Inventory module within the software should not be complicated, and it should provide the crew with the ability to create, send and track orders. In addition, the crew should be able to check off any ordered items when the delivery arrives. This process should automatically add the received quantities directly to the inventory.

Critical Systems Reports

On the first day of each month, a critical and non-critical maintenance report should auto-generate and be saved as a PDF. All completed maintenance records, planned and unplanned, should be displayed in this report. This PDF should be easily accessible by the DPA, Captain and Owner at any time.

If your software does not manage these processes in an intuitive and logical manner, you might just need Total Superyacht, because we do all of this and much more.

Email David at master@superyachtos.com for more information or watch our Free Trial Video